Tuesday 29 July 2008

End of Week 1, Start of Week 2

Alrighty then, no updates for almost 3 days now, the reason being that there has been a lack of things to write about and a lack of motivation to write about the lack of things to write about. So I’ll just go through the last few days to explain what I’ve done and anything else I feel is necessary.

So, Sunday, I didn’t have anything to do because last week was purely the push up challenge along with anything else I felt like doing (such as playing football etc), but today I did have a 6-a-side football match, which is different to normal football in a lot of ways. It’s in an indoor environment, its very hot, very exhausting and pretty much non-stop running for the length of time you are on the pitch. I didn’t really have a good game, we lost 7-2 and I got completely stressed out. I didn’t really feel up to it, playing in that game and I think it showed to be honest. I blame it on my lack of sleep …

Yesterday I started week 2 of the push up challenge and it was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be. I looked at the 5 sets consisting of 12, 12, 9, 7 then a max of at least 10 and I thought it looked fairly easy compared to what I done on the Friday previously. I was wrong, to put it simply, it was absolutely shattering. I don’t have a clue about the reason for this, maybe it’s because I didn’t do anything over the weekend and it caused a decrease in my strength, or maybe it was something to do with the little sleep and the deranged sleeping patterns I have made up over the last week or so, but whatever it was it affected me, although I did complete it somehow. Hopefully Wednesday won’t be as difficult as that.

Today … nothing, to be honest, I still need a rest day at least once a week so today was my rest day. All I done really was had a bit of a kickaround with the football but didn’t really push myself or anything, just done it out of boredom.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) I’m aiming to complete day 2, week 2 of the push up challenge and also do some cardio work. I have football training tomorrow night so hopefully I’ll be able to get a good workout doing that, if not then it’ll be half an hour of fairly fast skipping (I’m rather good at it as I done it while I was a boxer for almost 8 years).

I need to sort out my sleeping as well, I keep on getting to bed for around 1, then not being able to actually sleep until 3, so I need to either find something to occupy myself to help get myself to drift off to sleep before 3, or go to bed a lot earlier than 1, but I don’t know. I’ll figure it out soon.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I’ll be updating this beast tomorrow night once I’m finished for the day.

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